Conditions Treated

Hip Pain Treatment in Mesa, AZ

person walking experiencing hip pain in Mesa, AZ

Hip pain can severely limit your ability to walk and complete normal activities of daily living and can lead to many sleepless nights. Whether you experience sudden hip pain due to an injury or pain that gradually worsens, working with a team of health care professionals who can implement non-invasive treatment and rehabilitation strategies to improve the condition of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that make and keep the hip stable and functional.

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Symptoms of Hip Pain

Symptoms of hip pain may vary from periodic discomfort to constant aching, loss of motion of the hip, to a sharp stabbing pain which may cause you to limp. Other symptoms of hip pain can include groin pain, swelling and tenderness over the hip and difficulty sleeping on the hip.

What Causes hip pain?

The most frequently cited source of hip pain is called tendonitis, which commonly results from repetitive overuse but can also result from participating in intense workouts. Experiencing sharp hip pain when walking can signal a labral tear, which is when the cartilage ring that gives depth to the socket of the hip tears leading to instability. Pain while walking may also indicate that arthritis has started to develop in the bone structure that forms the hip. Osteoarthritis can trigger either or both left hip pain and right hip pain, which is usually proceeded by a trauma early in life and worsened by normal wear and tear that comes with aging.

Another potential cause of hip pain is called trochanteric bursitis. This medical condition is usually associated with overuse and develops when one of the liquid-filled sacs located around the hip joint becomes inflamed. We often see this bursitis associated with iliotibial band syndrome which causes tightness in the iliotibial band and results in hip weakness. Iliotibial band syndrome is often associated with poor knee mechanics. Older patients often develop osteoporosis which can lead to a spontaneous hip fracture and debilitating health consequences. This pathology generates intense pain that requires prompt medical attention.


Diagnosis for medical conditions related to hip joint pain begins with a detailed history and physical examination. Your doctor will examine both hips, knees, the spine, abdomen, and the associated nerves. This will require you to be able to move into different positions such as walking, sitting, lying, and transitioning. After completing a thorough examination, your physicians may decide to conduct one or more of the following diagnostic imaging tests:

  • Radiography
  • Arthrography
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Following the proper ergonomic routine is essential to prevent hip pain. One way to achieve this is by being aware of too much time spent in static postures like sitting. Taking breaks to stand and walk around is helpful at maintaining hip flexibility. Having an adjustable desk that allows you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the work day is also a helpful tool for prevention of hip pain. Avoiding any static posture for an extended period of time including crossing your legs when sitting goes a long way towards preventing hip pain.

Maintaining strength and flexibility

  • Piriformis (figure 4 stretch)
  • Hip flexor stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • IT band stretch
  • Side stepping with band
  • Bridges
  • Straight leg raises
  • Adductor exercise

Treatments for Hip Pain in Mesa, AZ

If you experience an injury or an acute onset of pain make sure you apply ice as quickly as possible to limit swelling and edema. Rest from the activity and if the pain persists you should seek professional treatment.

Surgery can leave more than visible scars and should only be considered as a last resort. The first step in the treatment of hip pain should be meeting with a movement specialist who can evaluate whether an issue such as an imbalance or improper movement mechanics is contributing to hip pain. We have extensive experience in the evaluation and identification of the causes of hip pain and use non-surgical treatment and rehabilitation modalities that will allow you to return to your normal active lifestyle without the burden of recovering from surgery. If your condition has required surgery, We also has experience in post-surgical rehabilitation. You don’t need to suffer with hip pain, call us today to schedule an evaluation at (480) 633-8293.

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