VAX-D Non-Surgical Spinal Disc Decompression Therapy

Non-surgical spinal disc decompression is a non-invasive treatment for acute and chronic spinal pain associated with herniated, ruptured, bulging or degenerative discs and sciatic leg pain or spinal stenosis associated with these conditions.

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person receiving VAX-D Non-Surgical Spinal Disc Decompression Therapy in Mesa

More About VAX-D

Physicians are faced with the fact that there is no universally accepted standard of care for chronic back pain and the patient often finds themselves on a merry go round of treatment trying to find a cure. Many find temporary relief through drugs, heat and ice, bed-rest, chiropractic/manipulation, physiotherapy, exercises, acupuncture, epidural injections, prolotherapy, IDET and other invasive procedures and various types of surgery. Many of these provide a temporary reduction of symptoms without altering the underlying disease process and the pain invariably recurs.

Surgery disrupts the natural biomechanical functions essential to preserve pain-free spinal mobility which often leads to future surgeries. The majority of back pain patients are not surgical candidates which can lead to ‘failed back syndrome’. Before resorting to a surgical approach, it makes sense to try a conservative procedure. If a patient doesn’t recover in the first two months, the initial benign problem may become a chronic situation. This is why it is so important to begin treatment early.

Why We Use VAX-D

Today there is an entire industry of ‘spinal decompression’ devices, all based upon developments pioneered by Allan E Dyer, PhD, M.D., a former Deputy Minister of Health in Ontario, Canada. Dr Dyer also pioneered and published the research leading to the development of the transthoracic heart defibrillator while completing his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Dr Dyer himself suffered a herniated disc. After conventional therapy failed, Dr Dyer formulated the theories that lead to the design and development of VAX-D® (Vertebral Axial Decompression) and patented the process known as vertebral decompression.

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person getting treated for Disc Decompression therapy in Arizona

Research About VAX-D

Prior to his research on negative disc pressures with VAX-D, non-surgical decompression did not exist. The spinal decompression industry today is so full of misinformation, unsubstantiated claims and marketing hype so as to make it extremely difficult for the physician let alone the average person to determine which table offers true decompression. All of them use the research done on VAX-D equipment to validate their claims. But the fact is that in spite of the rapid growth of the decompression industry VAX-D is the only device shown to decompress the disc non-surgically (Ramos G., Martin W. Journal of Neurosurgery) and a search of the medical literature reveals there are no studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals on other devices. VAX-D is the only medical device that delivers treatment with the patented logarithmic decompression curve!


We began using VAX-D in this clinic in 1998 and were one of the first clinics in Arizona to utilize this treatment modality. Through our extensive experience in using these modalities we have developed treatment algorithms and protocols that make our selection process superior to other clinics. We offer a comprehensive treatment approach which takes the patient off the merry go round of treatment and affords long-term relief. This includes the VAX-D treatment and MedX specific spinal rehabilitation to improve the health of the disc and then strengthen the muscles around the affected disc to restore the normal diffusion mechanism and afford the patient long-term relief.

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