How to Ensure Your Child's Backpack Is Safe and Comfortable

July 16, 2024

3 min read

About 70% of kids carry backpacks that are too heavy, leading to potential health issues for growing children and adolescents. Experts suggest that backpacks should weigh no more than 10% of a child's weight. For a 70-pound 9-year-old, this would mean a maximum 7-pound backpack.

Backpack Do’s and Don’ts

Dangers of a Heavy Backpack

Carrying an overly heavy backpack can cause:

Finding the Right Fit

The best way to start is by choosing the right backpack. Here are some tips:

  • Lightweight Material: Opt for a backpack made from lightweight materials.
  • Wide, Padded Shoulder Straps: Ensure the backpack has two wide, padded shoulder straps that adjust for a comfortable fit.
  • Multiple Compartments: Choose a backpack with multiple compartments to help evenly distribute weight.

A backpack fits well when:

  • The top is below the neck.
  • The bottom hangs no lower than the hips.
  • The bag is not wider than the child.

When shopping, have your child try on the backpack. Adjust the straps for a proper fit and pack it with what they plan to carry. Use a bathroom scale to check the weight.

Wearing the Backpack Properly

It’s important for your child to wear the backpack correctly, even if it means not following certain fashion trends, like wearing the straps too low or using only one strap to look cool. Wearing the backpack too low or on one shoulder can increase the risk of back and shoulder pain. Make sure the straps are tightened so that the backpack sits comfortably and securely on your child's back. The backpack should not sway side to side as they walk.

Lightening the Load

You've found the perfect backpack, but what if it's still too heavy? Here are some tips to lighten the load:

  • Use a locker or desk at school to store books not needed throughout the day.
  • Utilize side compartments to spread out the weight.
  • Place the heaviest items closest to the back.
  • Carry the lunchbox by hand.

Signs Your Child Has a Heavy Backpack Problem

As the school year progresses, maintaining a lightweight backpack can become challenging. Extra items may accumulate, and unnecessary books might be carried just in case. Look out for these signs that your child’s backpack is too heavy:

  • Difficulty putting on and taking off the backpack.
  • Leaning forward while carrying the backpack.
  • Complaints of neck, shoulder, or back pain.

If you notice any of these signs, help your child go through their backpack to remove unnecessary items and review tips to keep their backpack light.

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