Healthy Holiday Tips!

December 22, 2017

1 min read

The holiday season is upon us and so are busy schedules and poor eating habits. Here are a few tips on how to have a healthy holiday season!

  1. Plan for holiday events that involve a lot of sweet and high calorie food
    1. Eat healthy before the holiday event so that you don’t overeat
    2. Limit sampling to bite size, not serving size
    3. Avoid high calorie drinks, go for the one for one strategy. For every high calorie drink, follow with the same volume of water
  2. Get plenty of sleep
    1. Stick to your normal sleep schedule. People who sleep less eat more, exercise less, and have less energy
  3. Stick to an exercise regime
    1. You may not be able to maintain your normal workout schedule but plan your exercise schedule in advance so you can keep to it.
    2. Lower your workout expectations. If you are in a time crunch, try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for an effective shorter workout.
  4. Don’t overbook yourself
    1. Make time for yourself to decompress and relax.

Most importantly, remember the goal of the holiday season is to celebrate and enjoy friends and family. Happy holiday’s from The Center for Total Back Care Team!

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