September 16, 2016

2 min read

As we age, many of us find that our walking speed gets slower. Most of us assume that it’s inevitable. It’s not. Researchers compared natural walking speed and life expectancy and came to some startling conclusion.

They combined the results of nine different studies and followed 34,000 participants for up to 21 years. Each participant was age 65 or older, with an average age of 73 years. Their natural walking speed, from a standing start, was measured and timed for short distances.

The result of the studies: Those who naturally have an above average walking speed will generally also have a longer-than-average life expectancy. Researchers were able to correlate current age with walking speed and predict the likely survival ages. For those participants age 75 and older, the information was especially on target.

Additionally, researchers realized that the information was valuable enough to be used as a standard assessment, such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight and general mobility tests.

That’s not to say you should intentionally start walking faster. Your body picks it’s own natural speed. However, it wouldn’t hurt to have your doctor do a test to see how fast you normally walk. It can be done easily in a hallway of the doctor’s office by a nurse or practitioner.

If you walk slower than average, your doctor could look for the reasons why, as walking speed is an indication of the overall state of your health. If a problem is identified and then remedied, your normal walking speed may increase – which will put you in a category of those who have a longer life expectancy and better body functioning.

Wear your sneakers to the doctor’s office!

Source: SENIOR NEWS LINE –By: Matilda Charles

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